Short Stories & Articles

short stories

  1. Anton Chekov - Lady with Lapdog
  2. Joseph Conrad - Amy Foster
  3. Max Ehrmann - Desiderata
  4. Thaddeus Golas - The Jewel
  5. Thomas Hardy - An Imaginative Woman
  6. O. Henry - The Things The Play
  7. Nikos Kazantzakis - The Butterfly
  8. Jesse Miller - Madeleine Rain
  9. Deborah M. Nigro - Searching for Spider Lee
  10. Edgar Allan Poe - The Telltail Heart
  11. Eliza Riley - Return to Paradise
  12. Nels Schifano - Three Letters
  13. Albert Schweitzer - Sticking Together
  14. Janice Simpson - Ena Harkness (the rose)
  15. Gloria Steinem - Always Ask the Turtle
  16. Leo Tolstoy - Three Questions
  17. Omer Washington - I've Learned
  18. Ann Wells - A Story To Live By
  19. Elizabeth Wurtzel - Prozac Nation
  20. Suzanne Willis Zoglio - There's More To Life Than Gathering Nuts
  21. Boldness - There was a professor of philosophy who
  22. Footprints - One night a man had a dream
  23. Friends - One day, when I was a freshman in high school
  24. Life Sentence - A woman awakes during the night to find
  25. Socks and Shoes - A little boy about 10 years old was standing
  26. Starfish - As the old man walked the beach at dawn
  27. The Present - Imagine there is a Bank that credits your account
  28. The Soldier - A story is told about a soldier who was finally
  29. The Wise Woman's Stone - A wise woman who was traveling
  30. Two more Aisles - A man observed a woman in the grocery store
  31. What's the miracle cost? - Tess was a precocious eight years old


  1. Richard Bach - A Soulmate
  2. Diane Berke - The Finish Line
  3. Jackson Brown - Instructions for Life
  4. Bhagavad-Gita - Immediate Peace
  5. Napoleon Bonaparte - I Don't Love You
  6. Breakup Girl Maxim - Maturity
  7. The Buddha - Believe Nothing
  8. Leo Buscaglia - Risk
  9. Roy Campanella - Faith
  10. Shirley Ceasar - No Charge
  11. Corinthians - Charity (Love)
  12. Deng Ming-Dao - Positioning
  13. John Donne - No Man is an Island
  14. Kim Eickhoff - Disappointment and Perspective
  15. Ralph Waldo Emerson - What is Success?
  16. Bob Ettinger - Relationships are Hard
  17. Emmet Fox - Love will Conquer
  18. Viktor Frankl - The Meaning of Love
  19. Benjamin Franklin - Thirteen Virtues
  20. Shakti Gawain - Outflowing
  21. Khalil Gibran - Earth
  22. Khalil Gibran - Marriage
  23. Julie Hargreaves - Destination: The Stars
  24. Don't Quit - When Things Go Wrong
  25. Vaclav Havel - Hope
  26. Mark Helprin - Nothing is Random
  27. Robert G. Ingersoll - Time to be Happy
  28. Dalai Lama - Outlook On Life
  29. Ann Landers - How to Get Along With People
  30. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - When Does Love Begin?
  31. Jeanie Marshall - Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
  32. David McNally - What is Life?
  33. Henri Nouwen - A Friend
  34. Ramakrishna - Three kinds of Love
  35. Rainer Maria Rilke - To Love is Good
  36. Walter Rinder - Spectrum of Love
  37. Theodore Roosevelt - It is not the Critic who Counts
  38. Susan Polis Schutz - What is Love?
  39. Chrissie Slade - Urgent vs Important
  40. Solomon - The Book of Proverbs
  41. Linda-Ann Stewart - Love Enough To Let Others Heal
  42. Charles Swindoll - Attitudes
  43. Mother Teresa - Silence
  44. Marianne Williamson - A Return to Love
  45. ZEN Parable - Encounter
  46. 101 Different ways of saying 'I Love You'
  47. A Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime - People come into your life for a reason
  48. Because you are my Friend
  49. Desire - We do not succeed in changing things according to our desire
  50. Eight Gifts - That Do Not Cost A Cent
  51. Irish Toast - May the hand of a friend always be near you
  52. The Most Caring Child
  53. Version Control - Humor based on computer terminology
  54. What Do Women Really Want?