E contrario - From a contrary position E pluribus unum - From many, one (motto of the USA) E re nata - As circumstances dictate E vestigio - From where one stands Ecce homo - Behold the man Ecce signum - Behold the proof Editio princeps - First printed edition Ego et rex meus - I and my King Ego me bene habeo - With me all is well. (last words) (Burrus) Ego nolo caesar esse - I don't want to be Caesar. (Florus) Ego spem pretio non emo - I do not purchase hope for a price. (I do not buy a pig in a poke.) Ego - Consciousness of one's own identity Eheu fugaces labuntur anni - Alas, the fleeting years slip by. (Horace) Eheu, litteras istas reperire non possum - Unfortunately, I can't find those particular documents Eiusdem generis - Of the same kind Elizabeth Regina/Eduardus Rex (E.R.) - Queen Elizabeth/King Edward Emeritus - Honorary; by merit Emitte lucem et veritatem - Send out light and truth Ense et aratro - With sword and plow. (citizen-soldier, one who serves in war and peace) Eo ipso - By that very act Eo nomine - Under that name Epistula non erubescit - A letter doesn't blush. (Cicero) Eram quod es, eris quod sum - I was what you are, you will be what I am. (grave inscription) Ergo bibamus - Therefore, let us drink Ergo - Therefore Errare humanum est - To err is human. / It is human to err. (Seneca) Errata - A list of errors (in a book) Erratum (errata) - Error (errors) Escariorium lavator - Dishwashing machine Esse est percipi - Being is perception. (It is a standard metaphysical) (Mauser) Esse quam videri - To be, rather than to seem (state motto of North Carolina) Est autem fides credere quod nondum vides; cuius fidei merces est videre quod credis - Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe. (St. Augustine) Est deus in nobis - The is a god inside us Est modus in rebus - There is a middle ground in things. (Horace) Est queadam fiere voluptas - There is a certain pleasure in weeping. (Ovid) Estne tibi forte magna feles fulva et planissima? - Do you by chance happen to own a large, yellowish, very flat cat? Estne volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me videre? - Is that a scroll in your toga, or are you just happy to see me? Esto perpetua - Let it be forever Esto perpetue - May you last for ever Et alii/aliae - Other persons/things Et cetera/etcetera (etc.) - And the rest Et in arcadia ego - I, also, am in Arcadia Et sequens (et seq.) - And the following Et sequentes (et seq. Or seqq.) - And those that follow Et sic de ceteris - And so to of the rest Et tu, Brute - And you, Brutus Et uxor (abbreviated et ux.) - And wife Etiam capillus unus habet umbram - Even one hair has a shadow. (Publilius Syrus) Eventus stultorum magister - Events are the teacher of the stupid persons. Stupid people learn by experience, bright people calculate what to do Ex abrupto - Without preparation Ex abundancia cordis, os loquitor - From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks Ex animo - From the heart (sincerely) Ex ante - Before the event, beforehand. (economics: based on prior assumptions) Ex cathedra - From the chair. With authority (without argumentation) Ex cearulo - Out of the blue Ex curia - Out of court Ex dolo - Intentionally Ex gratia - Purely as a favour Ex hypothesi - From the hypothesis. (i.e. The one under consideration) Ex libris - From the Library (of) Ex luna, scientia - From the moon, knowledge. (motto of Apollo 13) Ex mea sententia - In my opinion Ex more - According to custom Ex nilhilo nihil fit - Nothing comes from nothing Ex officio - By virtue of his office Ex opere operato - By the work having been worked Ex parte - By only one party to a dispute in the absence of the other Ex post facto - After the fact, or Retrospectively Ex proprio motu - Voluntarily Ex silentio - From silence. (from lack of contrary evidence) Ex tempore - Off the cuff, without preparation Ex uno disce omnes - From one person learn all persons. (From one we can judge the rest) Ex vi termini - By definition Ex voto - According to one's vow Ex - Out of Excelsior - Ever upward. (state motto of New York) Exceptio probat regulam de rebus non exceptis - An exception establishes the rule as to things not excepted Exceptis excipiendis - Excepting what is to be excepted Excitabat fluctus in simpulo - He was stirring up billows in a ladle. (He was raising a tempest in a teapot) (Cicero) Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta - He who excuses himself, accuses himself (qui s'excuse, s'accuse) Exeat - Permission for a temporary absence Exegi monumentum aere perennius - I have erected a monument more lasting than bronze. (Horace) Exempli gratia (e.g) - For the sake of example Exeunt omnes - All go out. (A common stage direction in plays) Exeunt - They go out Exit - He/she goes out Exitus acta probat - The outcome proves the deeds. (the end justifies the means) (Ovid) Experientia docet stultos - Experience teaches fools Experientia docet - Experience is the best teacher Experimentum crucis - Critical experiment Expressio unius est exclusio alterius - The mention of one thing may exclude others Extempore - Without premeditation Exterioris pagina puella - Cover Girl Extinctus amabitur idem - The same [hated] man will be loved after he's dead. How quickly we forget. (Horace) Extra ecclesiam nulla salus - Outside the Church [there is] No Salvation. (A phrase of much disputed significance in Roman Catholic theology) Extra territorium jus dicenti impune non paretur - The judgment (or the authority) of one who is exceeding his territorial jurisdiction is disobeyed with impunity F
Fabas indulcet fames - Hunger sweetens the beans, or hunger makes everything taste good! Faber est suae quisque fortunae - Every man is the artisan of his own fortune. (Appius Claudius Caecus) Faber quisque fortunae suae - Each man (is) the maker of his own fortune Fabricati diem - Make my day Fac me cocleario vomere! - Gag me with a spoon! Fac ut nemo me vocet - Hold my calls Fac ut vivas - Get a life Facile princeps - Acknowledged leader Facilis descensvs averno - The descent to Avernus (Hell) it's easy to fall, hard to rise Facilius est multa facere quam diu - It is easier to do many things than to do one for a long time. (Quintilianus) Facilius per partes in cognitionem totius adducimur - We are more easily led part by part to an understanding of the whole. (Seneca) Facito aliquid operis, ut te semper diabolus inveniat occupatum - Always do something, so that the devil always finds you occupied. (St. Jerome) Facta, non verba - Deeds, not words. (Actions speak louder than words) Factum est - It is done Fallaces sunt rerum species - The appearances of things are deceptive. (Seneca) Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus - False in one thing, false in all Fama crescit eundo - The rumour grows as it goes. (Vergil) Fama nihil est celerius - Nothing is swifter than rumor Fama semper vivat - May his/her fame last forever Fama volat - The rumour has wings. (Vergil) Fames est optimus coquus - Hunger is the best cook Farrago fatigans! - Thuffering thuccotash! Fas est et ab hoste doceri - It's proper to learn even from an enemy. (Ovid) Favete linguis - To keep a (religious) silence. (Horace) Fax mentis incedium gloriae - The passion of glory is the torch of the mind Fecit (fec.) - Made by Feles mala! cur cista non uteris? stramentum novum in ea posui - Bad kitty! Why don't you use the cat box? I put new litter in it Feles mala! - Bad kitty! Felis qvi nihil debet - Happy [is] he who owes nothing Felix culpa - Happy fault Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas - Happy is he who has been able to learn the causes of things. (Vergil) Felo de se - Suicide Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt - Men readily believe what they want to believe. (Caesar) Festina lente - Make haste slowly Fiat justitia (et ruat caelum) - Let justice be done. (though the heavens fall)" Fiat lux - Let there be light Fiat volvntas tua - Let Thy will [be done] (Biblical) Fiat - Let it be done Fide, non armis - By faith, not arms Fidei defensor - Defender of the faith Fides punica - Treachery. (Livy) Fides quaerens intellectum - Faith seeking understanding Fidus Achates - Faithful Achates (friend) Filioque - And from the son Filius nullius - A bastard Finem respice - Look to the end [before setting forth] Finis coronat opus - The ending crowns the work. (Ovid) Finis - The end Flagrante delicto - Literally while the crime is blazing. Caught red-handed, in the very act of a crime Flamma fumo est proxima - Flame follows smoke. (there is no smoke without fire) (Plautus) Floreat regina regina - May it flourish. (motto of the City of Regina, Saskatchewan Canada) Floruit - Flourished Fluctuat nec mergitur - It is tossed by the waves but it does not sink Fons et origo - The source and origin Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit - Perhaps someday we will look back upon these things with joy Forsan miseros meliora sequentur - For those in misery perhaps better things will follow. (Virgil) Fortes et liber - Strong and free. (Alberta) Fortes fortuna adiuvat - Fortune favors the brave. (Terence) Fortes fortuna iuvat - Fortune favours the brave Fortiter fideliter forsan feliciter - Bravely, faithfully, perhaps successfully Fortiter in re, suaviter in modo - Resolutely in action, gently in manner. (To do unhesitatingly what must be done but accomplishing it as inoffensively as possible) Fortitudine vincimus - By endurance we conquer Fortius quo fidelius - Strength through loyalty Fortuna amicos parat, inopia amicos probat - The fortune is preparing friends, the abundance is testing them Fortuna vitrea est; tum cum splendet frangitur - Fortune is glass; just when it gleams brightest it shatters Fortuna caeca est - Fortune is blind. (Cicero) Fortunatus sum! Pila mea de gramine horrido modo in pratum lene recta volvit! - Isn't that lucky! My ball just rolled out of the rough and onto the fairway! Frangar non flectar - I am broken, I am not deflected Frater, ave atque vale - Brother, hello and good-bye. (Catullus) Fronti nulla fides - No reliance can be placed on appearance. (don't judge a book by its cover) Frustra laborant quotquot se calculationibus fatigant pro inventione quadraturae circuli - Futile is the labor of those who fatigue themselves with calculations to square the circle. (Michael Stifel, 1544) Fugit hora - The hour flies Fugit inreparabile tempus - Irretrievable time flies. (Virgil) Functus officio - Having discharged his duty and thus ceased to have any authority over a matter Furnulum pani nolo - I don't want a toaster G
Gaudeamus igitur (iuvenes dum sumus) - Therefore, let us rejoice. (while we are young) Genius loci - The guardian spirit of the place Gens togata - The toga-clad race; the romans Genus irritabile vatum - The irritable race of poets. (Horace) Gladiator in arena consilium capit - The gladiator is formulating his plan in the arena (i.e., too late) (Seneca) Gloria filiorum patres - The glory of sons is their fathers Gloria in excelsis deo - Glory to God in the highest Gloria Patri - Glory to the Father Gloria virtutis umbra - Glory (is) the shadow of virtue Gloria - Glory Gloriosum est iniurias oblivisci - It is glorious to forget the injustice Gnothe seauton (Greek) - Know thyself Graeca sunt, non leguntur - It is Greek, you don't read that Gramen artificiosum odi - I hate Astroturf Gratia placenti - For the sake of pleasing Graecia capta ferum victorem cepit - Captive Greece conquered her savage victor. (Horace) Graviora manent - Greater dangers await Gutta cavat lapidem, non vi sed saepe cadendo - The drop excavates the stone, not with force but by falling often. (Ovid) H
Habeas corpus - You must have the body, i.e. You must justify an imprisonment Habemus Papam - We have a pope. (used at the announcement of a new pope) Habetis bona deum - Have a nice day Hac lege - With this law Haec olim meminisse ivvabit - Time heals all things, i.e. Wounds, offenses Haec trutina errat - There is something wrong with this scale Hannibal ante portas! - Hannibal is at the doors! The enemy/danger is at the doors! Haud ignota loquor - I say things that are known Helluo librorum - A glutton for books. (bookworm) Heu! Tintinnuntius meus sonat! - Darn! There goes my beeper! Heus, hic nos omnes in agmine sunt! - Hey, we're all in line here! Hic et nunc - Here and now Hic habitat felicitas - Here dwells happiness Hic jacet (HJ) - Here lies. (written on gravestones or tombs) Hic jacet sepultus (HJS) - Here lies buried Hic puer est stultissimus omnium! - This boy is the stupidest of all! Hinc illae lacrimae - Hence these tears. (Terence) Historia est vitae magistra - The history is the tutor of life Hoc erat in votis - This was among my prayers Hoc est in votis - This is in my prayers Hoc est verum et nihili nisi verum - This is the truth and nothing but the truth Hoc est vivere bis vita posse priore frvi - To live twice is to make useful profit from one's past. Experience is the best teacher, so learn from it Hoc natura est insitum, ut quem timueris, hunc semper oderis - It's an innate thing to always hate the one we've learnt to fear Hoc tempore obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit - In these days friends are won through flattery, the truth gives birth to hate. (Terence) Hocine bibo aut in eum digitos insero? - Do I drink this or stick my fingers in it? Hodie mihi, cras tibi - Today for me, tomorrow for you Homines libenter quod volunt credunt - Men believe what they want to. (Terentius) Homines, dum docent, discunt - Men learn while they teach. (Seneca) Homo doctvs is se semper divitias habet - A learned man always has wealth within himself Homo homini lupus - Man is a wolf to man Homo nudus cum nuda iacebat - Naked they lay together, man and woman Homo praesumitur bonus donec probetur malus - One is innocent until proven guilty Homo proponit, sed Deus disponit - Man proposes, but God disposes Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto - I am human, therefore nothing human is strange to me Homo sum - I am a man Homo vitae commodatus non donatus est - Man has been lent to life, not given. (Pubilius Syrus) Honor virutis preamium - Honour is the reward of virtue Honores mutant mores - The honours change the customs. (Power corrupts) Honoris causa (h.c.) - As in doctorate, an honorary degree Horas non numero nisi serenas - I count only the bright hours. (Inscription on ancient sundials) Horribile dictu - Horrible to tell Horror vacui - Fear of empty places Hostis hvmani generis - Enemy of the human race Huc accedit zambonis! - Here comes the Zamboni! Humum mandere - To bite the dust Hunc tu caveto - Beware of this man |